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Digital Series IV: Onboarding Digital: Beyond the borders

Financial Services Industry has been experiencing for a long time an important transformation process, which was caused by the consecutive innovations that had a disruptive effect in other fields before, but… que ahora han llegado a sus puertas. Veamos un poco qué está ocurriendo. La mencionada innovación trajo aparejada algunas tendencias que con fuerza se […]

Cloud: In the clouds or on the Earth, is that the matter?

The recent normative sanctioned by the Banco Central de la República Argentina about the “Minimum requirements of management, implementation, and risks control related with information technology, information systems and resources… asociados para las entidades financieras” abre la posibilidad cierta a una verdadera Transformación en el modelo operativo y de negocio de las Entidades Financieras. La […]

Fintech effect: After the disruption, what?

It´s known that technological revolution has produced a strong disruption, which has originated a deep process of Transformation in the Financial Industry as well. We also know that the appearance of the FINTECH´S has… sido un factor fundamental dentro de este contexto. Ahora bien, lo que no sabemos es qué sucederá de ahora en más […]